Friday, June 1, 2012

Easy Peasy Beginner's Quilt, with herringbone/minky back

After seeing some cute quilts floating around Pinterest, I decided it was time to make my first quilt ever. Something very simple, the thought of cutting and sewing all those tiny pieces makes me nauseous. My inspiration came from here. Super easy, seven panels total, you don't even need a pattern. I also experimented on the back, creating a herringbone pattern using minky ribbon fabric.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Boys (d)rule

Babies drool, a lot. Some days I changed my baby's bib every hour! Needless to say, after two boys, the bibs are looking a little worn, and stained. I bought some super cute flannel, used old cloth diaper/spit up cloths for the back and made some new bibs.

I traced another bib for the pattern and appliqued this whale using my Silhouette. My Silhouette, I have a love/hate relationship with that thing.

Poor little Aaron has been using his older brother's spit up cloth all this time, I thought maybe they needed to be re-purposed.

To finish it, I just put a zig zag stitch on the raw edge. This means that once washed, it frays a bit, but I kind of like that look.

Final step is to add velcro.

Here's Aaron modeling the finished product, what a cutie.
And here are some of the others I made.